How To Make Homepage For Mac


Would you like to change the initial page displayed when you open Google Chrome on your Mac? If so, follow these instructions. Fortunately, Google hasn’t changed this very much over the past few years.

Change the home page; The Microsoft Edge home page is the one that shows up whenever you click on the Home icon. It's not the tab page from above. To change the home page: Choose Microsoft Edge from the Microsoft Edge active toolbar on your Mac. Click Preferences on the pull-down menu. Select Appearance under Settings on the left side of the.

  • How To Set Your Mac Safari Homepage You can set your Safari home page to any page on any site. However, this won't actually affect much unless you also set other options in your Safari Preferences. Even then, when you quit Safari and relaunch it, you'll probably just see the same pages you had open previously, unless you close all of Safari's.
  • Make Google Your Homepage Using Safari on a Mac Note: You can only perform this function from a desktop or laptop computer. The Safari app on iOS devices does not allow this configuration.
  • Simulate Internet Explorer on Mac with Safari. Most of the time, if you need to use Internet Explorer on Mac, it’s probably for testing purposes, to see how certain websites or web apps perform, or to access websites that require you to use IE (yes, those still exist).

These instructions will certainly work on Chrome versions 49-72, and maybe newer versions.


How To Make Google Your Homepage For Macbook

How to set homepage macbook pro

How To Make Google My Homepage For Macbook

  • Open Chrome, click on the Chrome menu and select Preferences
  • Scroll down to the On Startup section and choose the option named Open a specific page or set of pages
  • Choose Add a new page and then type in the web page address in the Site URL field. Olderversions of Chrome don’t have an Add a new page option. Instead, click on Set pages then type in the web page address in the Enter URL field.
  • Click the Add button. In older versions of Chrome click the OK button.